Sheet No- 01
on All Tenses
By Arif Khandakar (Mobile- 01717-446139)
M.A in
Present Indefinite Tense (mvavib eZ©gvb Kvj)
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` A, B, G, I,
q _vK‡j Present
Indefinite Tense nq|
t Sub t +
g~j Verb + S / Es + extension ev evKx Ask|
Avwg eBwU cwo| (wµqvi †k‡l ÒB Ó
Av‡Q ) = I read the
wgbv eBwU c‡o| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò GÓ
Av‡Q) = Mina reads the
cÖZ¨q cÖwZw`b ¯‹z‡j hvq|(wµqvi
†k‡l Ò qÓ Av‡Q) = Prottoy
goes to school everyday.
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hvq|
= Piash and Prottoy go
to school everyday.
Zviv b`x‡Z gvQ a‡i| (wµqvi †k‡l
Ò GÓ Av‡Q) = They catch
fish in the river
Mind it t Dc‡ii
evK¨¸‡jv j¶ Ki‡j †`Lv hvq †h Present Indefinite Tense-G g~j Verb Gi
mv‡_ hy³ S / Es n‡q‡Q Avevi wKQy ev‡K¨i †¶‡Î hy³ nqwb|
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Do / does + Sub: + g~j Verb + ob: +
extension ev evKx Ask +?
Avwg wK GKwU
eB cwo? = Do I read a book?
wgbv Kx GKwU
eB c‡o? = Does Mina read a book?
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q wK cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hvq? = Do Piash and Prottoy go to
school everyday?
Zviv wK b`x‡Z
gvQ a‡i| = Do they catch fish in the river?
‡m Kx cÖwZw`b
gvsm Lvq? = Does he eat meat everyday?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Subject + do not / does not +
g~j Verb + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask
Avwg eBwU cwo
bv| (wµqvi †k‡l ÒB Ó Av‡Q ) = I do not read the book.
wgbv eBwU c‡o bv| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò GÓ
Av‡Q) = Mina does not
read the book
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hvq bv| = Piash and Prottoy do not go to school
Zviv b`x‡Z gvQ a‡i bv| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò GÓ
Av‡Q) = They do not
catch fish in the river.
Indefinite tense ( mvavib AZxZKvj)
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` j, †j,
jvg, Z, †Z, Zvg, †Zb _vK‡j Past Indefinite Tense nq|
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + g~j Verb Gi Past form + ob: +
extension ev
evKx Ask |
Avwg ¯‹z‡j wM‡q wQjvg| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò jvg Ó Av‡Q) = I went to school.
‡m AsKwU K‡iwQj| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò j
Ó Av‡Q) = He did the
Zviv Avgv‡K wPbZ| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò
Z Ó Av‡Q) = They knew
Avgvi evev Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡Zb|(wµqvi
†k‡l Ò Z Ó Av‡Q) = My
father taught me English.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Did+ Sub: + g~j Verb Gi Present form+ ob: +
extension ev evKx
Ask +?
Avwg wK ¯‹z‡j wM‡q wQjvg| = Did I go to school?
‡m wK AsKwU K‡iwQj| = Did he do the sum.
wK Avgv‡K wPbZ| = Did they know me?
Avgvi evev wK
Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡Zb| = Did my father teach me English.
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: + did not + g~j Verb Gi Present form+ ob: +
extension ev evKx
Ask +?
Avwg ¯‹z‡j wM‡qwQjvg bv| = I did not go to school.
‡m AsKwU K‡iwQj bv| = He did not do the sum.
Avgv‡K wPbZ bv| =They did not know me.
Avgvi evev Avgv‡K
Bs‡iwR cov‡Zb bv| = My father did not teach me English.
Indefinite Tense
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi hw` †k‡l e, †e, †eb
_vK‡j Future Indefinite
MVYcÖYvjx t Sub t + shall / will + verb + ob:
+ + extension ev
evKx Ask|
Avwg eBwU cwoe| (wµqvi †k‡l Òe Ó Av‡Q ) = I shall read the book.
wgbv eBwU cwo‡e| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò ‡eÓ
Av‡Q) = Mina will read the book
wZwb Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡eb| (wµqvi †k‡l
Ò ‡ebÓ Av‡Q) = He will teach me English.
I, We _vK‡j Shall e‡m Ges
Ab¨ me †¶‡Î Will e‡m|
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Shall / will + Sub: + verb +
ob: + extension ev
evKx Ask?
Avwg wK eBwU cwoe ? = Shall l read the book?
wgbv wK eBwU
cwo‡e? = Will Mina read the book?
wZwb wK Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡eb? = Will he
teach me English?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK
evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + shall not / will not + verb + ob: + evKx Ask|
Avwg eBwU cwoe bv| (wµqvi †k‡l Òe Ó
Av‡Q ) = I
shall not read the book.
wgbv eBwU cwo‡e bv| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò ‡eÓ
Av‡Q) = Mina will not read the book
wZwb Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡eb bv| (wµqvi
†k‡l Ò ‡ebÓ Av‡Q) = He will not teach me English.
Present Continuous Tense (NUgvb eZ©gvb Kvj
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi
†k‡l hw` ”Q, †Z‡Q, †Z‡Qb, †ZwQ, †ZwQb
_vK‡j Present Continuous
Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Subt + am / is/ are + g~j Verb + ing +
ob: + extension ev
evKx Ask |
Avwg GKwU eB cwo†ZwQ| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò †ZwQ Ó
= I am reading a book.
GKwU eB cwo‡Z‡Q| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò †Z‡Q Ó Av‡Q)
= Mina is reading a book.
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hv‡”Q| (
wµqvi †k‡l Ò ”QÓ Av‡Q)
= Piash and Prottoy are going to school everyday.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Am / is / are + Subt + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask +?
Avwg wK GKwU eB cwo†ZwQ?? = Am I reading a book?
wgbv Kx GKwU eB cwo‡Z‡Q? = Is Mina reading a book?
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q wK cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hv‡”Q?
= Are Piash and Prottoy going
to school everyday?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
+ am not / is not / are not +g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask |
GKwU eB cwo†ZwQ bv = I am not reading a book.
GKwU eB cwo‡Z‡Q bv| = Mina is not reading a book.
wcqvm I
cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hv‡”Q bv| = Piash and Prottoy are not going to school everyday?
Past Continuous Tense (NUgvb AZxZ Kvj
Dcvq t evsjv
wµqvi †k‡l hw` ‡ZwQj, †ZwQ‡jb, †ZwQjvg
_vK‡j Past Continuous Tense e¨eüZ nq|
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub + was / were + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask |
GKwU eB cwo†ZwQjvg| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò †ZwQjvg Ó Av‡Q) = I was reading a book.
GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQj| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò ‡ZwQjÓ Ó Av‡Q) = Mina was reading a book.
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hvB‡ZwQj| (
wµqvi †k‡l Ò ‡ZwQjÓ Av‡Q) = Piash and Prottoy were going to
school everyday.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Was / were + Subt + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask +?
Avwg wK GKwU eB cwo†ZwQ?? = Was I reading a book?
wgbv Kx GKwU eB cwo‡Z‡Q? = Was Mina reading a book?
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q wK cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j
hv‡”Q? = Were Piash and Prottoy going to school everyday?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Subt + am not / is not / are not +g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask |
Avwg GKwU eB cwo†ZwQjvg bv = I was not reading a book.
wgbv GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQj bv| = Mina was not reading a book.
wcqvm I cÖZ¨q cÖw`w`b ¯‹z‡j hvB‡ZwQj bv| = Piash and Prottoy were not going to
school everyday?
Future Continuous Tense
Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` †Z_vwKe, †Z_vwK‡e, †Z _vwK‡eb _vK‡j Future Continuous Tense nq|
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + shall be / will be + verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask
eBwU cwo‡Z_vwKe (wµqvi †k‡l Ò†Z_vwKe Ó Av‡Q )
= I shall be reading the book.
eBwU cwo‡Z_vwK‡e| (wµqvi †k‡l Ò†Z_vwKe Ó Av‡Q )
= Mina will be reading the book.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Shall / will + Sub: + be + verb
+ ing + ob: +extension ev
evKx Ask?
Avwg wK
eBwU cwo‡Z_vwKe?= Shall l be reading the book?
wgbv wK
eBwU cwo‡Z_vwK‡e? = Will Mina be reading the book?
wK Avgv‡K Bs‡iwR cov‡Z_vwK‡eb? = Will he be teaching me English?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + shall not / will not + verb + ob: + evKx Ask|
eBwU cwo‡Z_vwKe bv| = I
shall not be reading the book.
wgbv eBwU cwo‡e bv| = Mina
will not be reading the book.
Present Perfect Tense (cyivNwUZ eZ©gvb Kvj)
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv
wµqvi †k‡l hw` †q‡Q, qv‡Q, †q‡Qb, qv‡Qb _vK‡j Present Perfect Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i mwVK MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + have / has + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + Ob
+ evKx Ask?
Avgiv GKwU bZzb
evwo wKwbqvwQ| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qvwQÓ Av‡Q)
We have bought a new book.
‡m AsKwU
Kwiqv‡Qb| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qv‡QbÓ Av‡Q)
He has done the sum.
kvni“L I ivbx
evsjv‡`‡k G‡m‡Q| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò †q‡QÓ Av‡Q)
Sharukh and Rani have come to Bangladesh.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
/ has + Sub: + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + ob: +extension
ev evKx Ask?
Avgiv wK GKwU bZzb evwo wKwbqvwQ? =Have we bought
a new book?
‡m wK AsKwU
Kwiqv‡Qb? =Has he done the sum?
kvni“L I ivbx
wK evsjv‡`‡k G‡m‡Q? =Have Sharukh and Rani come to Bangladesh?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + have not / has not + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + ob: +extension ev evKx Ask|
Avwg Zv‡K †`wL bvB| = I have not seen him.
‡m KjgwU Pywi
K‡i bvB| = He has
not stolen the pen.
Ug I †Rwi AvR bv‡P bvB| = Tom and Jerry have not danced today.
Past Perfect Tense (cyivNwUZ AZxZ Kvj)
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv
wµqvi †k‡l hw` †qwQ‡j,‡qwQ‡jb, qvwQj / qvwQjvg, qvwQ‡jb _vK‡j Past Perfect Tense
nq| GQvovI ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ c~‡e© ev c‡i K_v
D‡jL _vK‡j Past
Perfect Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: + had + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + ob: +extension
ev evKx Ask|
Avgiv GKwU bZzb evwo wKwbqvwQjvg| (
wµqvi †k‡l Ò qvwQjvgÓ Av‡Q)
We had bought a new book.
‡m AsKwU
KwiqvwQj| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qvwQjÓ Av‡Q) = He had done the sum.
Zywg wK wPwVwU
wjwLqvwQj? ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qvwQjÓ Av‡Q) = Had you written the letter?
GQvovI ev‡K¨i
g‡a¨ c~‡e© ev c‡i K_v D‡jL _vK‡j Past Perfect Tense nq| A_©vr Past Perfect Tense Tense –G GKB mv‡_ `yBwU KvR msMwVZ
nq| †h KvRwU Av‡M n‡e †mwU Past
Perfect Tense – G Ki‡Z nq Ges †h KvRwU c‡i msMwVZ nq
†mwU Past Indefinite Tense – G Ki‡Z nq|
Before ev c~‡e©i K_v ev‡K¨i D‡jL
_vK‡j Ges `yBwU KvR eySv‡j wb‡gœi MV‡Y evK¨ ˆZix Ki‡e
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub +had + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + ob: +extension ev evKx Ask?+ before +
Subt + Verb Gi Past form
+ extension ev evKx Ask |
Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMxwU gviv †Mj|
The patient had died before the doctor came.
‡UªbwU RvqMvwU Qvovi c~‡e© Avgiv
†÷k‡b †cŠ‡Qjvg|
We had reached the station before the train left the place /
the station.
j¶ Ki“b t Av‡M †ivMxwU
gviv †Mj ZvB wbqg Abyhv‡q cÖ_g evK¨wU Past Perfect Tense n‡q‡Q Ges Zvi
c‡i Wv³vi Avmj ZvB wbqg Abyhv‡q before Gi c‡ii evK¨wU Past Indefinite Tens n‡q‡Q |
g‡b ivL‡e c~‡e©i K_v D‡jL _vK‡j ‡k‡li evK¨wU mevi cÖ_‡g
ewm‡q Past Perfect Tense Ki‡e Ges c‡ii evK¨wU before c‡i ewm‡q Past
Indefinite Tense Ki‡e|
After ev c‡ii K_v ev‡K¨i D‡jL _vK‡j
Ges `yBwU KvR eySv‡j wb‡gœi MV‡Y evK¨ ˆZix Ki‡e
MVYcÖYvjx t
Subt + Verb Gi Past form +
extension ev evKx Ask +
after + Sub +had + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + ob: +extension ev evKx Ask|
Wv³vi Avmvi c‡i †ivMxwU gviv
The patient died after the doctor had come.
‡UªbwU RvqMvwU Qvovi c‡i Avgiv †÷k‡b
The train left the place / the station after we had reached
the station.
Ki“b t Av‡M
Wv³vi Avmj ZvB wbqg Abyhv‡q cÖ_g evK¨wU Past Perfect Tense K‡i after Gi c‡i emv‡Z n‡e Ges Zvi c‡i †ivMxwU gviv †Mj ZvB wbqg Abyhv‡q ‡k‡li evK¨wU after Gi
c~‡e© ewm‡q Past Indefinite Tense Ki‡Z n‡e |
g‡b ivL‡e †k‡li evK¨wU cÖ_‡g ewm‡q Past Indefinite Tense Ki‡e Ges cÖ_g evK¨wU After Gi c‡i ewm‡q Past Perfect Tense Ki‡e
Future Perfect Tense
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi
†k‡l Bqv _vwKe, Bqv _vwK‡e, Bqv _vwK‡eb
_vK‡j Future Perfect
nq| GQvovI by this time / by + time ( by morning / Sunday
/ o, clock ) _vK‡j Future Perfect Tense nq|
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub t + shall have / will have + Verb Gi Past Participle + evKx Ask|
Avgiv GKwU bZzb evwo wKwbqv_vwKe ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qv_vwKeÓ)
We shall have bought a new house.
Zywg wPwVwU wjwL_vwKqv‡e? ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò _vwKqv‡e Ó
Av‡Q) = Will you have
written the letter.
‡m AsKwU Kwiqv _vwKqv‡e
bv| ( wµqvi †k‡l Ò qvwQjÓ Av‡Q) = He will not have done the sum.
ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ c~‡e© ev c‡i K_v D‡jL _vK‡j Future Perfect Tense nq| A_©vr Future Perfect Tense –G
GKB mv‡_ `yBwU KvR msMwVZ nq| †h KvRwU Av‡M n‡e †mwU Future Perfect Tense – G Ki‡Z nq Ges †h KvRwU c‡i msMwVZ nq
†mwU Future Indefinite / Present
Indefinite Tense nq|
Before ev c~‡e©i K_v ev‡K¨i D‡jL
_vK‡j Ges `yBwU KvR eySv‡j wb‡gœi MV‡Y evK¨ ˆZix Ki‡e
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub + shall have / will have + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + Ob:
+ Extension. + Before + Subt + Future
Indefinite / Present Indefinite Tense.
Wv³vi Avmvi c~‡e© †ivMxwU gviv hv‡e|
The patient will have died before the doctor comes / will
‡UªbwU RvqMvwU Qvovi c~‡e© Avgiv
†÷k‡b †cŠQve|
We shall have reached the station before
the train will leave the place / the train leaves the place.
ivL‡e ‡k‡li evK¨wU cÖ_‡g Future Perfect Tense K‡i Before Gi c~‡e© emv‡Z
n‡e Ges cÖ_‡g evK¨wU Before Gi c‡i Future
Indefinite / Present Indefinite Tense K‡i emv‡Z n‡e|
After ev c‡ii K_v ev‡K¨i D‡jL _vK‡j
Ges `yBwU KvR eySv‡j wb‡gœi MV‡Y evK¨ ˆZix Ki‡e
MVYcÖYvjx t
Subt + Future
Indefinite / Present Indefinite Tense+ after + Sub + shall have / will have + g~j Verb Gi Past Participle + Ob:
+ Extension.
Avmvi c‡i
†ivMxwU gviv hv‡e|
The patient will die / dies
after the doctor will have come.
RvqMvwU Qvovi c‡i
Avgiv †÷k‡b †cŠQv‡e|
The train leaves / will leave
after we shall have reach the station.
ivL‡e cÖ_g evK¨wU After Gi c‡i ewm‡q Future Perfect Tense Ki‡e
Ges †k‡li evK¨wU cÖ_‡g ewm‡q Future Indefinite / Present Indefinite Tense Ki‡e|
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` ”Q,
†Z‡Q, †Z‡Qb, †ZwQ, †ZwQb D‡jL _v‡K Ges ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver, nB‡Z / †_‡K
A_v©r †Kvb mgq D‡jL _vK‡j Present Perfect Continuous Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: + have been / has been +
g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq|
Avwg `yB N›Uv
hver GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQ| =
I have been reading a book for two hours.
wgbv `ycyi †_‡K
Nygvq‡Z‡Q| = Mina has been sleeping since morning.
Avgiv wZb eQi
hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb Kwi‡ZwQ | = We have been studying in Kushtia Zilla
School for three years.
mKvj nB‡Z‡Z
gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡Z‡Q| =
It has been raining cats and dogs since morning.
Mind It t awiqv / hver _vK‡j For e‡m Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K _vK‡j Since e‡m| ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver
Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K D‡jL _vK‡j Present
Perfect Continuous Tense nq Ges ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv /
hver Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K D‡jL bv _vK‡j Present Continuous Tense
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Have / has + Sub + been + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq + ?
Avwg wK `yB
N›Uv hver GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQ| =Have I been reading a book for two hours?
wgbv wK `ycyi
†_‡K Nygvq‡Z‡Q| = Has Mina been sleeping since morning?
Avgiv wK wZb eQi hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb
Kwi‡ZwQ |
= Have We been studying in Kushtia Zilla School
for three years.?
mKvj nB‡Z‡Z wK gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡Z‡Q| = Has It been raining cats and dogs since morning?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: + have not been / has not been + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq|
Avwg `yB N›Uv
hver GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQ bv| = I have not been reading a book for two hours.
wgbv `ycyi †_‡K
Nygvq‡Z‡Q bv| = Mina has not been sleeping since
Avgiv wZb eQi
hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb Kwi‡ZwQ bv|
= We have been studying in Kushtia Zilla School
for three years.
mKvj nB‡Z‡Z
gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡Z‡Q bv|
= It has not been raining cats and dogs since morning.
Past Perfect continuous Tense
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` ‡ZwQj,
†ZwQ‡jb, †ZwQjvg D‡jL _v‡K Ges ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver, nB‡Z / †_‡K A_v©r†Kvb mgq
D‡jL _vK‡j Past Perfect
continuous Tense nq|
ev‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: +Had been + g~j
Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq|
Avwg `yB N›Uv
hver GKwU eB cwo‡ZwQ‡ZwQjvg| = I had been reading a book for two hours.
wgbv `ycyi †_‡K
Nygvq‡ZwQj| = Mina had been sleeping since morning.
Avgiv wZb eQi
hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb Kwi‡ZwQjvg |
= We had been studying in Kushtia Zilla School
for three years.
mKvj nB‡Z‡Z gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡ZwQj| = It had been raining cats and dogs since morning.
Mind It t awiqv / hver _vK‡j For
e‡m Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K _vK‡j Since e‡m| ev‡K¨i g‡a¨
awiqv / hver Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K D‡jL _vK‡j Past
Perfect Continuous Tense nq Ges ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K D‡jL bv _vK‡j Past Continuous Tense nq|
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
wPwbevi Dcvq t evsjv wµqvi †k‡l hw` ‡Z_vwKe, †Z_vwK‡e, †Z_vwK‡eb D‡jL _v‡K Ges ev‡K¨i
g‡a¨ awiqv / hver, nB‡Z †_‡K A_v©r †Kvb mgq D‡jL _vK‡j Future Perfect Continuous Tense nq|
MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: +shall have been / will have been + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq|
Avwg `yB N›Uv
hver GKwU eB cwo‡Z_vwKe|
= I shall have been reading a book for
two hours.
wgbv `ycyi †_‡K
= Mina will have been sleeping since
Avgiv wZb eQi
hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb Kwi‡Z_vwKe |
= We shall have been studying in Kushtia Zilla School
for three years.mKvj nB‡Z‡Z gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡Z_vwK‡e| = It will have been raining cats and
dogs since morning.
Interrogative ev cÖkœ‡evaK ev‡K¨i MVY t
Shall / will + Sub: + have been / have been + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq +?
Avwg wK `yB
N›Uv hver GKwU eB cwo‡Z_vwKe?
= Shall I have been
reading a book for two hours?
wgbv wK `ycyi
†_‡K Nygvq‡Z_vwK‡e ?
= Will Mina have been sleeping since morning?
Negative ev bv-‡evaK evK‡K¨i MVYcÖYvjx t
Sub: +shall not have been / will not have been + g~j Verb + ing + ob: + extension ev evKx Ask + since / for + mgq|
Avgiv wZb eQi
hver Kzwóqv wRjv ¯‹z‡j Aa¨vqb Kwi‡Z_vwKe bv |
= We shall not have been studying in Kushtia Zilla School
for three years.
mKvj nB‡Z‡Z
gyljav‡i e„wó nB‡Z_vwK‡e bv|
= It will not have been raining cats
and dogs since morning.
Mind It t awiqv / hver _vK‡j For e‡m Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K _vK‡j Since e‡m|
ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K
D‡jL _vK‡j Past Perfect Continuous Tense nq Ges ev‡K¨i g‡a¨ awiqv / hver Ges nB‡Z / †_‡K D‡jL bv _vK‡j Past Continuous Tense nq|
কোন মন্তব্য নেই:
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